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Showing posts from June, 2012

Creating RDLC Report in

Creating RDLC Report in   Here I am sharing nice post of Kishor, same code i pasted here. Here is link to this article   In this article i will show you how to generate RDLC report in web application.
Import Excel Sheet to SQL Server Database using ASP.Net   I have done application that will support for all excel versions and it will work for you without having any problems and it will dynamically you can upload excel sheet from anywhere from your computer.

How to create sub reports in crystal report?

How to create sub reports in crystal report? I have collect employee details and store in the two different table. First table I store employee professional details and the other table I store the employee personal details. When customer take a print of particular employee detail that time we need to show both details (Professional and personal).
Capture and save images from Web camera using C# and ASP.NET In this article with some C# sample, I am going to explain how to capture and save image from web camera . This web camera capturing and storing is implemented using flash on the front end and C# on the back end. You can easily embed this flash file into your web page and record images from the webcam . Requirements to capture images from webcam using C#: If you want to implement this functionality you need to install the latest flash player and have a working web camera. Steps to capture webcam images using C# and ASP.NET: 1) Create a new web application project and copy the WebcamResources folder from the attachments. 2) Create a new page named "Default.aspx" page add the following code, <object width="405" height="190" param name="movie" value="WebcamResources/save_picture.swf" embed src="WebcamResources/save_picture.swf" width=...

Diploying ASP.Net Website in IIS on Windows 7

Diploying ASP.Net Website in IIS on Windows 7 The .net developers who are new to Windows 7 environment may face problems while deploying their website on iis. This type of thinking comes from my own experience. Here I am trying to share the informations regarding website deployment on iis 7.0 (Windows 7).