Zip file or folder using C#
Nice post by David Ribeiro.
While you're developing C# applications, you may need to perform some specific or special operations, such as zipping files to download, or sending an e-mail with a zip file attached, or performing a backup. This article proposes a solution for you to zip files and/or folders, respecting the whole tree of a folder, without the need to buy third-party solutions.
While you're developing C# applications, you may need to perform some specific or special operations, such as zipping files to download, or sending an e-mail with a zip file attached, or performing a backup. This article proposes a solution for you to zip files and/or folders, respecting the whole tree of a folder, without the need to buy third-party solutions.
C# usually uses GZip by default, which is not exactly a zip file (it is different). So, looking up for a solution, you have two kinds of options:
- Use third-party solutions
- Do it by yourself
... you may find yourself wanting to do it yourself, without these libraries, using exclusively the .NET standard libraries. This article shows the way. If you attempt to find the necessary code only on C#, you will find yourself lost. C# has code just for GZip, which is not zip. After Googling (a lot!), I've been able to find a solution, which uses a mix of C# and J#. J# provides libraries specifically to zip ( But you may be confused about "how do I use J# on C#! Easy, just add a reference to the vjslib.dll Library (see picture below), and import the namespaces to perform the zip needed actions.
Using the Code
The solution is quite simple, however, it requires you to select the correct methods and specific parameters. In my sample, you have a simple Web Application with a button and a label to display the result of this process. When you press the button, a mix of C# and J# is called to zip a folder. When .NET compiles the project, it will assemble this mix as one single application. (Notice that you must have J# libraries installer on your Web server, otherwise you won't be able to have this working.)using;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
protected void btnZip_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); // Builder to save report
string ZipFileName = String.Format(@"C:\ZippedFolders\({0})",
DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd")); // Zip Destiny File Name
string theDirectory = @"C:\FolderToZip"; // Folder to zip
sb.Append(String.Format("Directory To Zip: {0}.<br/>", theDirectory));
sb.Append(String.Format("Zip file: {0}.<br/>", ZipFileName));
string[] allFiles = Directory.GetFiles(theDirectory, "*.*",
SearchOption.AllDirectories); // Get all files from
// the folder to zip
if (System.IO.File.Exists(ZipFileName)) // Small piece of code
// to delete zip file if it already exists
("Deleted old Zip file: {0}.<br/>", ZipFileName));
// J# code to zip
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(ZipFileName); // J# output
// stream (Zip File)
ZipOutputStream zos = new ZipOutputStream(fos); // J# output zip
zos.setLevel(9); // Set the level of compression.
// It may be a value between 0 and 9
Add each file from folder to zip, to zip file.
This way, the tree of the folder to zip will be
reflected on the zip file
for (int i = 0; i < allFiles.Length; i++ )
string sourceFile = allFiles[i];
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(sourceFile); // J# input
//stream to fill zip file
Add the entry to the zip file (The Replace will remove the full path
Ex.: file C:\FolderToZip\Files\Tmp\myFile.xml,
will be written as Files\Tmp\myFile.xml on the zip file
If this code was not written, it would generate the
whole tree since the beginning of the FolderToZip
This way the zip file begins directly at the contents
of C:\FolderToZip
ZipEntry ze = new ZipEntry(sourceFile.Replace(theDirectory + @"\", ""));
sbyte[] buffer = new sbyte[1024];
int len;
while ((len = >= 0)
zos.write(buffer, 0, len); // Write buffer to Zip File
fis.close(); // Close input Stream
// Close outputs
sb.Append(String.Format("Folder {0} Zipped successfully to File {1}.<br/>",
theDirectory, ZipFileName));
catch (Exception eX)
sb.Append(String.Format("Error zipping folder {0}. Details: {1}.
Stack Trace: {2}.<br/>", theDirectory, eX.Message, eX.StackTrace));
lbReport.Text = sb.ToString(); // Show result/report
The physical folder to zip:The result of the Web Application after pressing the button:
And the zipped files on the zip folder:
The most interesting point about this solution is that you can use both
C# and J# libraries on the same code, compiling them together in order
to complete a solution. C# for itself, with its standard libraries, does
not provide zip methods. J# does, however, you are programming in C#
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