Rounding decimal number to integer
Here we have very simple logic to round the any number to its nearest integer, as rounding of number is required in some calculation part like currency calculations, etc while development.
Suppose we have the number with two decimals like 4.54 then it should be rounded to 5 or if number is 4.40 then it should be rounded to 4.
To achieve this just write the following logic in your query if you are fetching data from database..
table Invoice ( Invoice_Id, Product, Price, Qty )
then your query should be like this
select Invoice_Id, Product, Price, Qty, cast( ((Qty * Price) + 0.5 ) as Int) as Total
from Invoice
Order By Invoice_Id
If you are doing it in coding
decimal no; // the number on which you want to perform rounding
integer intNo = Convert.ToInt32(no); // it will give you the rounded number to integer.
I hope this simple technique of rounding will help you...
Thanks & Regards,
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