If you are using SQL Server 2005 or higher, you might have noticed that there is now a “Database Mail” (DB Mail) option under “Management”. This is very different from the “SQL Mail” that we had on previous versions (it still exists under Management\Legacy). Using DB Mail, you no longer have to configure a mailbox on your machine, and you certainly do not need to run the SQL Server or the SQL Server Agent under the account you want to send emails from. Moreover, you can have multiple mail profiles and you can decide which account to use under various conditions.
So, here we go on the steps to configure DB Mail:Right-Click on Database Mail and choose Configure Database Mail.
- This starts the Database Mail Configuration Wizard. Click Next.
- Now, you are prompted to create a New Database Mail Account. Enter any Account Name andDescription. The other parameters are as follows:
- For configuring Windows Live Mail:
Email address: Your Live e-mail ID
Display name: Your name
Reply e-mail: Any reply-to email account
Server name: smtp.live.com
Port number: 25
This server requires a secure connection (SSL): Checked ON
In the next section, choose Basic Authentication and enter the following information:
User name: Your Live e-mail ID
Password: Password for your Live e-mail ID
Confirm password: Password for your Live e-mail ID
The configuration should look like the screenshot below. Now, click OK.
- For configuring Google Mail (Gmail):Email address: Your Gmail ID
Display name: Your name
Reply e-mail: Any reply-to email account
Server name: smtp.gmail.com
Port number: 587
This server requires a secure connection (SSL): Checked ON
(Settings looked up from Gmail Help)
In the next section, choose Basic Authentication and enter the following information:
User name: Your gmail ID
Password: Password for your gmail ID
Confirm password: Password for your gmail ID
The configuration should look like the screenshot below. Now, click OK.
- You should receive the email in a few seconds. If you have received the email, you have been able to configure DB Mail successfully, and you can now start using DB Mail.Hope this will help you
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